Liebevolle Ragdollkatzenzucht  traditioneller & rein traditioneller Ragdolls im Südwesten Deutschlands

Unsere Zucht ist vom Veterinäramt Radolfzell nach §11 Abs. 1 Nr 8 a und b Tierschutzgesetz abgenommen

Hallo und herzlich Willkommen auf unserer Webseite

der Kajika-Rags.


Wir haben unserer Cattery einen indianischen Namen gegeben

und übersetzt heißt er "walks without sound" -

 auf lautlosen Pfoten.


Und das machen unsere vierbeinigen Schätze dann auch den ganzen Tag in unserer Umgebung

- sie sind immer in unserer Nähe -

und so kann es schon einmal passieren, 

dass man auf ihrem Schwanz zu stehen kommt,

weil sie sich wieder einmal ganz eng angeschlichen haben. 


Wir züchten ausschließlich die ursprünglichen traditionellen und rein traditionellen Linien

und haben daher nicht die neuen Farben wie rot und creme

und unsere Kitten sind auch nicht tabby oder tortie,

denn uns ist wichtig die reinen Ragdoll Linien zu halten ohne die Einkreuzung fremder Rassen. 


Bitte beachten Sie -

Ragdolls werden unglücklich in Einzelhaltung. 


Darum geben wir unsere Tiere nur dann einzeln ab,

wenn bereits eine andere Katze daheim

wartet oder zeitgleich mit einziehen wird. 


Ragdolls haben dabei keinen Standesdünkel -

es muss keine Rassekatze sein, die ihr Gesellschaft leistet. 


Nun wünschen wir vergnügliches Lesen und freuen uns über Ihren Anruf oder Ihre email!


Familie Bammel




We cordially welcome you on our website. 


We gave our cattery a native American name since this is an American breed. 

It means "Walks without sound". 


And that's what our darlings are doing all day long - they are always around us -

and so it can happen that one of us is standing on a tail because they have been coming so near again. 


We are breeding traditional bloodlines only without outcross 

and therefore don't have any red or cream 

or torties and lynx babies.


Please note: 

Ragdolls don't like being alone - they need another four legged companion. 

That's the reason why we won't let a kitten get adopted

to a new home when it will be alone there.

Ragdolls don't mind if there is another purebred around

or a cat from a farmhouse as long as they can play and cuddle. 

Some breeds though don't fit well from their character

- you should consider that as well. 


We hope you will enjoy your visit of our homepage and we 

will be glad to hear from you anytime. 


the Bammel family

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Dieses wunderschöne Gedicht ist zwar auf Englisch,

aber es gibt beide Seiten des Züchterlebens wieder,

darum übernehme ich es so, wie es ist...

Viel Spaß beim Lesen! 




~The Breeders Poem~ 

~ I Love My Little Kitty ~

I love my little kitty, she makes my house a home.
She always is my best friend, I never feel alone.
She makes me smile, she makes me laugh,
She fills my heart with love . . .

Did some breeder breed her or did she fall down from above.
I've never been a breeder, seen life through their eyes.
I hold my little kitty and just sit and criticize.
I've never known their anguish, I've never felt their pain.

The caring of their charges, through snow and wind and rain.
I've never sat the whole night through, waiting for babies to be born.
The stress and trepidation when they're still not there by dawn.
I've never felt the heartache of a little life in my hands.

This darling little baby, who weighs but 60 grams.
Should you do that instead of this . . . or this instead of that.
Alone you fight and hope one day, he'll grow to be a cat
and bring joy to another being and make a house a home.

You know it's all just up to you, you'll fight this fight alone.
Formulas, bottles, heating pads, you've got to get this right.
Two-hourly feeds for this tiny guy, throughout the day or night.
In your heart you know, you're almost sure to lose the fight,
to save this little baby but God willing . . . you just MIGHT.

Day one he's in there fighting, you say a silent prayer.
Day two & three, he's doing well, with lots of love and care.
Day four & five . . . he's still alive, your hopes soar to the heavens.
Day six he slips away again, dies in your hands day seven.
You take this little angel and bury him alone,

With aching heart and burning tears and an exhausted groan.
You ask yourself "Why do this? . . . why suffer all this pain?"
But see the joy your kittens bring . . . it really self explains.
So, when you think of breeders and label them with "greed",
Think about what they endure to fill another's needs.

When you buy a kitten and your precious dollars part,
You only pay with money . . . we pay with out heart.